Pencil Kitchen
In return, I'd love to nominate 5 wonderful blogs. Those blogs would be...
The Hugie Happenings (Their life is amazing to watch progress)
For Echelons (Because the Echelon are more than just a cult. We're a family!)
Show and Tell (This website is chock full of cute things galore!)
The Abbott Adventures (Their story is absolutely romantic. ^_^)
On Clever Mode (This site always makes me smile!)
Now, there are some guidelines when accepting... They are:
After Accepting:
- Thank the Liebster Blog Award Presenter on your blog.
- Link back to the blogger who nominated you.
- Copy and paste the award on your blog.
- Reveal 5 blogs of your choice
- Let them know by leaving a comment on their blog
Thank you once again, Jessica! I love my readers and followers! <3