Sunday, April 3, 2011

Meals Your Little Chef can Make! Day 6

Hello, hello all my awesome mini bloggers and parents! I've got a question for all of you. Who here knows who CowBella and the pajanimals are? Ooh! I see a hand. That's right. The pajanamals are a special 3-minute program on PBS that helps kids with transitional things like how to separate from mom at the end of the day, or sleeping through the night. It's a very cute program created by Jim Henson Company. Well, today when we look at our special meal that our special little helpers get to make, I'm sure they will recognize this lovable cow. Are we ready to get cooking? Fabulous!

CowBella's Elbow Pasta Italian-O

You will need:

  • 1 pound of whole-wheat elbow macaroni or pasta of your choice
  • One jar of your favorite pasta sauce
  • 1 yellow squash or 1 green zucchini
  • Italian seasoning
  • Parmesan cheese

Wonderful. Now let's begin!

  1. Parents, bring a pot of water to a boil to cook the wheat pasta.
  2. Have your child thinly slice or chop zucchini or squash, with a butter knife,  to use in sauce.
  3. Heat the pasta sauce on the stove and put zucchini or squash in sauce to cook for about 15 minutes, or until tender.
  4. When water is boiling, carefully hoist your child up and with them a safe distance from the pot, have them put the pasta in the pot.
  5. Stir occasionally.
  6. Once the pasta is done cooking, about 8 to 10 minutes, pour it into the strainer.
  7. Have your child help spoon the pasta into bowls.
  8. Pour the sauce over the pasta and finish it off with your choice of Italian seasoning or Parmesan cheese.

Now parents, this is the part where you watch your hungry little chef dig in. They will love this meal. At the same time, they won't know that it's a healthy choice to normal pasta and other meals. It's packed with nutrients and all that other healthy stuff that kids don't like (like vegetables). Enjoy your pasta and we will be back tomorrow for our final entry of Meals Your Little Chef can Make! Good night.